

Supervision provides an opportunity for the psychotherapist or counsellor to reflect on all aspects of their professional development. It’s an essential forum for the practitioner to receive the support and encouragement necessary to aid their development, as well as providing the space for processing individual cases and sharing experiences. As a supervisor, I aim to create space where this can happen, while keeping the safety and welfare of clients in central importance.

Relational psychodynamic supervision aims to create a more experiential, participatory, and relationship-focused form of supervision. Supervision that not only provides usable psychotherapeutic knowledge and skills, but also facilitates the emotional and relational development that is essential to becoming an effective counsellor or psychotherapist.

My focus is on the interpersonal relationships between myself and the supervisee, the supervisee and the client, the client and their world, and myself and the client. I believe this approach can support the practitioner to engage in and sustain a meaningful therapeutic relationship with their clients.

Supervision Fees

Clinical supervision is available for trainees (at a reduced cost), and experienced therapists, counsellors and supervisors.

Qualified Practitioners – from October 2023

  • Individual (60 minute) sessions – £55
  • Individual (90 minute) sessions – £82.50
  • Practitioner groups for 3 or 4 participants  (90 minutes) – £32.50

Trainees – from January 2024

  • Individual (60 minute) sessions – £45
  • Individual (90 minute) sessions – £67.50
  • Trainee groups for 3 or 4 participants  (90 minutes) – £27.50


*Trainees are encouraged to attend at least 1 individual and 1 group per month.
* Groups are contracted for 6 months and payment secures your place within the group. Fees are charged upfront for groups whether attended or not.

“Tina is a highly skilled supervisor whom I’ve been very privileged to work with as a trainee therapist as well as in my private practice. She provides immeasurably helpful insight to support my growth into a confident practitioner, and she expertly balances challenge with care to ensure the supervisory process is both developmental and containing. Importantly, Tina’s awareness around the issues of client and practitioner safety comes from many years of experience and is an invaluable asset to anyone who trains with her. I deeply appreciate that I’ve had Tina’s expert supervision to look to for guidance and reflection over the years; it has undoubtedly shaped my practice for the better.”

“Tina provides robust and dynamic supervision which is both challenging and interesting. I have really enjoyed being a part of her supervision groups and learnt a lot from being a member.”