Peer Support
Turning to our colleagues, friends and peers is a normal and natural way of seeking support. However, supporting our peers can at times feel daunting and we may be concerned that we lack the skills or boundaries to make peer support safe and effective.
The peer support training we offer will enhance the participants natural abilities, and aims to equip participants with the skills to listen and communicate clearly. They will gain the capacity to be effective and responsible in supporting their peers, either in university or in the workplace
This course is aimed at individuals who are looking to gain the personal resources and skills to psychologically support themselves and their colleagues within any demanding profession.
There are two training packages available
Peer Support for Universities Link
Training courses and ongoing support are available for Veterinary or Medical students within universities wishing to provide Peer Support Services.
Peer Support in Veterinary Practice Link
CPD courses for practicing Veterinary Surgeons looking to gain the personal resources and skills to psychologically support themselves and their colleagues within this demanding profession.
My role in the history of Peer Support
In 2009, I created the University of Liverpool Veterinary Peer Support Programme. My motivation came from learning about the high numbers of suicides and mental health concerns within the veterinary profession. Plus the fact that my eldest daughter was at that time a student vet. I felt I had something to offer the students within my university and most importantly the profession as a whole. The Liverpool Peer Support Service is now in its 12th year and has been a great success.
In 2021, I created Therapeutic Connections, an online platform which has allowed me to offer this training to other veterinary schools as well as vets in practice.
Usherwood T. Peer support brings benefits for students. Veterinary Record: Journal Of The British Veterinary Association [serial on the internet] (2011,June 25) [cited May 4, 2016]; 168(25): 658-659. DOI: 10.1136/vr.d3664
Avs. Veterinary Peer Support Programme Report 2015/16: DOWNLOAD LINK